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2024. February. 01 [ 2024.02.01 ~ ]

The MaitreView™ 4KPlusX Won Award at ISE 2024

The MaitreView™ 4KPlusX Won Award at ISE 2024



Following the success of the MaitreView™ 4KPlus at InfoComm 2023, AV LINK announced that the MaitreView™ 4KPlusX received the Best of Show Award at ISE 2024 from TVB Europe. The winners were chosen based on their inventive merits. The award encourages AV LINK to further market the Taiwan-made and TAA-compliant 4K/60Hz multi-window video processor family, which includes the award-winning MaitreView™ 4KPlus, MaitreView™ 4KPro, MaitreView™ 4KLite, and MaitreView™ 4KQuad to corporations, educational institutions, hospitals, and governments.


The MaitreView™ 4KPlusX leverages AMD Kintex™ Ultrascale™ devices, featuring uncompressed 4K/60Hz 4:4:4, real-time Drag & Drop, seamless switching between multiple sources, and adjustable borders on each region and layer. AMD Kintex™ Ultrascale™ devices assisted the MaitreView™ 4KPlusX to win the Best of Show Award at ISE 2024.



Since 1988, AV LINK has been a professional provider in the Pro AV industry with expertise in 4K and 8K video processing algorithms driven by FPGA. With Taiwan-made, high-quality technologies, AV LINK has provided different types of solutions in the industry. For more information, please visit www.avlinksystem.com. Send an email to sales@cctch.com.tw to contact AV LINK.



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